Friday, May 1, 2009

I know I know

I know I have talked a lot about my grandma lately but I just wanted to share this one last experience. Last week I went with my mom to clean out the room that my grandma had been staying in. I thought I was over the crying part, but as soon as I started taking my grandmas cloths out of the closet I started sobbing. Not crying just a little bit, I mean really sobbing. I shocked my self. I just had a lot of memories of the last year when I would go bath grandma and her cloths reminded me of that. My mom hugged me and asked why I was so upset and I told her that getting rid of all of grandmas stuff just made it seem so final. Mom just calmly said "but that's the good thing its not final." I just needed to be reminded of that at that moment in time. My brain sometimes forgets the grander picture of things and only focuses on the moment I am living in. I love that I belong to a church where we can be sealed to our families forever and live with them in heaven. I know that this life is just a short moment and we will be more happy than every when we are reunited with our loved ones.


  1. It's a good thing to be reminded about. Glad we know it isn't the end.

  2. Good post Darcy! I do think we tend to forget about the amazing fact that death is not the end! Your Mom is so wise!

  3. Just when you think the tears are done, they resurface. It's hard not to think past the present, since that is the time we live in and think most about.

    I remember when my Aunt died a few years ago. It was harder for me to go through then my grandparents death. I thought I was going to be fine and then I sat through a video of her and I began to sob. I had to excuse myself and felt like such a fool. She wasn't my Mom or anything. I just thought of all those great times that I had with her and how sorry I was that I didn't get to spend more time with her towards the end. She died suddenly, how was I to know.

    We are very blessed to know that this is not the end. That our love ones live on and we can live on with them. What a beautiful message.


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