Friday, December 10, 2010


Mopey? Yes that is how I am feeling tonight. It doesn't help that it is 12:45 at night and I am super tired. And yes people have a lot more to worry about than I do,but I am feeling a little whiny today. First of all I was looking in the mirror the other day and say something that look like a gray hair! What? On closer examination I realized it was a gray hair! And I actually found about then of them. I am so not ready to have gray hair. The being over 30 thing has never bothered me but this gray hair thing sure has.
I am so looking forward to Christmas break. I have never wanted a vacation so badly in my life. Needing money for Christmas this year I started making crochet stuff and selling them to people. It has worked way better than I had ever imagined. So far I think I have sold and made 23 hats, 1 scarf, 1 baby blanket, and one baby in a blanket! And I still have four more hats to make that have been ordered. This plus working 30 hours a week is killing me. The other night I was redoing a hat that wasn't turning out right when I started crying and asking myself what the heck I was doing trying to crochet all these stupid hats. When I figure out the money I made compared to the time I am barely making minimum wage. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful to all the people who have ordered things from me. I have been able to earn enough money to buy us a meager Christmas this year but I am just tired. I am ready for things to slow down a bit. Plus I think I need just to raise my prices. I always feel badly doing that but I need to get over it because I know my prices are a lot cheaper than anyone else. I guess I am just frustrated with the whole financial, work thing right now. O well I guess I will try to go to sleep now and maybe I will feel better tomorrow.


  1. Sorry that you were having a bad day. Your hats and things are so cute. Sounds like you have been working hard. We are coming to Utah for Christmas. We will have to stop in and say hello.

  2. Your hats are awesome, I wish they could make a big bucks for you! I hope you have a relaxing christmas break. As always, we miss you guys!

  3. And if it is any condolence, I've had gray hair for years...and it's only going down hill :(


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