Thursday, July 22, 2010


Poor Hayden. At our dental checkup last week the dentist informed me that he had three cavities between his teeth. We try and floss every night but apparently it is not good enough. That is not even the worst news! The worst part came after we got his x-rays back and found out that he had three teeth trying to grow in but didn't have enough room. My kids have always been slow when it comes to loosing and growing new teeth. Carly didn't even get her first tooth until she was one year old! Hayden got his when he was nine months. He is seven and only one of them has fallen out by itself. I thought this would be a good thing and keep his teeth healthier until the dentist informed me that we were going to have to pull teeth to make room for his adult teeth that were trying to grow in. Yikes! All of this when we are POOR! O well I guess you do what you have to do. The dentist also told me that this would probably have to be a continual process because he inherited a small mouth from one parent (dad) and big teeth from another (mom) poor kid and not a good combination to have. He is going to need major orthadontial work as he ages. He was such a trooper at the appointment! He didn't even make a peep! All he said was mom I'm nervous will you come in with me? I was happy to be there with him and so proud of how tuff and brave he acted. Going to the dentist is scary even for me! He was excited the next morning however when the tooth fairy had brought him three dollars! I think that helped make things worth while.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, he is brave. That would be scary for me too! Good job, Hayden.


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