Sunday, November 29, 2009

Big Budah at Spring Creek Elementary School!

We are so excited. Big Buddha is coming to Spring Creek to highlight it as the cool school. He is coming Wednesday Dec 3rd bright and early. Hayden is involved in the radkids program this year and for him to be on TV he needs to be there at 5:45 in the morning. YUCK! I hate getting up that early but the things we do for our kids. Carlys class has the awesome stability balls and her class is going to be spotlighted at 7:45 that and at 6:45 for student council. We are really proud of our school and the amazing staff and programs that we have. GO SPRING CREEK!


  1. you need to take pictures of these stability balls I am just amazed kids are not throwing them. and who the heck is Big Budha?

  2. Big Budha is the news guy from channel 13 news!


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