Sunday, August 23, 2009

Saved by the Bell

Well guys here we are, another school year has begun. For me the school year brings mixed emotions. First, I love to see my kids excited for school. They are still at the stage that it is fun and they love school. I know this won't last much longer. Plus they both have awesome teachers this year! Carly has Mrs. Leslie Stilson (the class with the stability balls), and Hayden has Miss Carolyn Pothier. They are great and I know my kids will learn a ton from them this year. Second I have to start work! This brings good and bad feeling. Good because it is amazing being able to work in the school where my children are. Although my job is entirely frustrating and exhausting (because I work with the special ed kids) I love it and I would not want to be anywhere else right now. Bad because this means I have to give up my summer off and go back to work. I feel like one of the kids getting ready to return to school. This is not good because I am not a morning person so I will have to get used to waking up early again, but I do need the money now since I am completely out having not worked for two months, so I welcome the pay checks back. I am also excited to see friends made from last year and see some of the kids that I grew to love. Notice I said SOME, not ALL. Some I would not care to see again, but I pretend and do the best I can. The kids were very excited after back to school night. They got to see their classrooms and see what friends were in their classes. They were both just beaming from ear to ear. Life is well and I can't complain about anything. It wouldn't do any good anyway!


  1. I really cannot believe that school is back in. Where did this summer go?? Mrs. Stilson is such an awesome teacher! Are you doing the same thing this year? Say hi to Mindy and Marietta for me okay!

  2. It's so great that you get to work where your kids go to school and therefore you also have summers off. I hope the kids do have a great year and you too. I miss school but I miss summer break even more!

  3. I am singing praises for school to be back in. WOOHOO! I never get the summer off so this is actually a break for me. I get to sleep in (Dalen gets them ready in the morning- how great is that?).


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