Monday, December 21, 2009

Homemade Christmas presents and school play!

This year I decided to crochet a lot of christmas presents. I have really enjoyed making them and seeing the end result. I first started out with the baby in the blanket. I had one of these when I was a kid and it was one of my favorite toys. I wanted to make Carly one also. It took a little searching on line to find the patter (since it is ancient) but I eventually found it. Yippee! Hopefully Carly likes it as much as I do. The third grad this year put on their own play on the night before Christmas. It was so cute. Carly got to be Santa and she had all her lines memorized. I love to be at the school and be so involved with the kids.


  1. The crocheting looks awesome! I know exactly what you mean about seeing the finished product appear. Cool, cool...

    Carly looks so cute and so grown-up!


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