Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Pics!

Here are some pics of the kids carving pumpkins! You can tell they really enjoyed pulling out the seeds, and of course the kids posing in their costumes. They are really good at that!


  1. Great costumes! They are SOOOO cute. What a fun holiday.

  2. How cute!

    I love Carlie's Princess stance with the hands together. On Sunday, Brad was trying to teach Rachel that that was how Princess' hold their hands. ...Not sure how he knows that, but, oh well.

    And, Hayden makes a tough Wolverine!

  3. Your kids are adorable!!! Their costumes were great!!! Beckham was wolverine this year too!!!

  4. You really have gorgeous Children!

  5. Your kids are too cute! I have to agree with their facial expressions, I detest touching pumpkin guts!

  6. I am so glad you are such a fun Mom! Their costumes are great! I love the built in Wolverine muscles! The jack o lanterns turned out pretty cool too! 10 Points for being such a fun mom!!


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