Saturday, March 21, 2009

Parent teacher conference

Well we finally made it through another week of school and work and PTC. I am really proud of my kids and how well they are doing in school. Carly has improved tremendiously this year in her reading and math and mostly gets 100's on her tests. Her teacher loves having her in her class and always says what a good girl she is. Hayden is also doing great. He is one of the top readers and knows more than most of the other kindergartners, (Sorry I have to brag), he is really doing well. I am so glad that I can work at the school and work with the teachers that I think will be best for my kids to have. I am glad that our district lets us choose our child's teachers. Hopefully they will get the teachers that I request for them. Work is going well and I know that the kids are comfortable with me now because three of them called me mom last week. Life is good.


  1. You know they like you when they call you mom.

  2. Kudos to the Thomas kids for being awesome and amazing students! It is fun working for a school I gotta say! I bet they love you! I get my dose of children without having to take them home with me which works out great for me!


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