Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Carly dancing!

Today at school we had some dancers from BYU come and do a little assembly for the kids. I was in the back sitting down watching when the dancers asked for volunteers to come up and help out with the BYU dancers and do a little dance of there own. To my shock and surprise I saw Carly going up on stage. She was actually smiling and DANCING, in front of everyone. This may not be weird to some of you guys who have out going children but Carly has always been really shy. I was so proud of her and excited to think that maybe she is starting to be more confident and get over her shyness. This is what I have been trying to do for her! I was a shy kid and I look back on all the things I missed out on because of my shyness and I really regret it. Hopefully she will continue to be confident and enjoy the fun things in life and not miss out on them like I did.


  1. I admire her confidence and spirit! I had an irrational fear throughout the entire assembly that I would be forced to dance somehow!!


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