Saturday, February 19, 2011


Things have been pretty busy around here lately especially for Hayden.  On Valentines day he lost one of his front teeth while eating breakfast.  We never did find the tooth so I am just assuming he swallowed eat while eating his raisin bran crunch.  He was worried that the tooth fairy would come even though he couldn't find his tooth and was very relieved the next morning when he found a dollar under his pillow.  

We also had the science fair this past week.  Both the kids did a great job. Carlys was to find out why some soda floated and some sank.  The diet floats and the regular sinks just in case you were wondering.  Haydens was to find out how much salt it took to make an egg float.  Hayden ended up winning third place.  He was soooooooooooooo excited.  

Today I took Hayden and a few of his buddies to nickel city for his birthday party.  I only let my kids have friend parties on the big birthdays like 8, 12, 16.  It turned out the be fun.  We are going to celebrate with the family and cousins on the same day as his baptism which in coming up in two weeks.  I decided to was too much to have a party for friends and then another for family and a baptism all within the same two weeks.  My brain can only handle so much.  

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