Saturday, May 9, 2009

T-ball Time!

We'll its has started, My life as one of those moms that gets to drive their kids around to endless activities. We enrolled Hayden in T-ball and his first game was today. It was more organized chaos than a game, but the kids had a lot of fun. Hayden got two hits and he also got the ball in the out field a couple of times. He loved it! The name that they thought of for their team is the Lizards. Its very fitting since their t shirts are green. All the kids are really cute. I really enjoy being able to go and spend time outdoors watching the kids have fun. When the game was over Hayden said "That was so much fun." I am glad he liked it because he was a little nervous at first. Carly said she wants to play next year. We will see if that idea sticks. For now we will just enjoy the summer watching Hayden.


  1. Good luck with that. Last year we did soccer and t-ball for both Jacob and Kylie. This year they were sad because I made them each pick just one. They both picked t-ball. Kylie is actually in coach-pitch this year. She loves it. Practices started today, games are on Wednesdays. BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!

  2. I agree I am going to only let my kids do one thing at a time. Kids already have too much going on and so do moms.


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